Saturday 17 November 2012

3 Easy Steps - Sell Your Stories!

We help you sell your stories and to get them published. Here's how ;

Step 1 - Submit your story.
Contact us today (you can even do it via our facebook page) with a very brief outline of your story.
Basically summarise what it is you’ve been through or who or what your story is about.

Step 2 - We check with editors.
Our journalists will check to see if the story has potential and if an editor could be interested in running it.

Step 3 - Interview and payment.
If we think we can get your story published we will get back in touch to interview you. We will agree a payment with you for your story prior to it being published. Unlike many other media agencies, we pay you upfront!

Monday 18 November 2002

Sell Your Stories! is a specialist media agent that has contacts throughout the country and abroad from small local publications to large internationally distributed newspapers.

We help connect people who feel that they have a story that needs telling, to the people who can tell it.

Magazines and newspapers are always looking for new, real-life stories to write about whether it be overcoming a rare disease, domestic problems or even your encounter with a celebrity.

However, finding that right person who can give you the right price is a different matter all together. We are here to help!